If you are in need of maintenance work, replacement parts, or are just looking to make an upgrade to your spa, then please, check out all the services our Spa Guy technicians have to offer!
Here at the Spa Guy, we specialize in all things related to Spas! Below are all our services and skills that can help you and your spa:
Spa Repair: This includes any leaks, damaged skirting/steps/cover/cover lifters, damaged parts/electronics/motors and pump, as well as basic electrical for your spa.
Spa Electrical: We are Licensed Contractors and are able to perform electrical work for your spa. We offer electrical installations and removal, as well as being able to upgrade your spa from 110v – 220v *If Applicable*
Summarize/Winterize Services: Do you own a spa at a second home and don’t want to keep your spa running during the times of the year you’re gone? We can help by coming to your spa and performing the necessary steps for your spa to survive the winter and summer while not operating. Avoid Freeze Damaging your Spa this Winter by having us Help!
Spa Transportation/Installation: We can move your spa from its current location to another with our Spa Dolly, as well as help you set up any crane services if needed! In addition to helping with transportation, we also help with everything that has to do with installing the spa at your new home or rental.
Spa Removal: Decided its time to replace, sell, or remove your current spa? Then talk to us about coming and helping you remove it from your property! If the Spa is in good condition, we could even give you an offer to buy it off you!
Decks and Pads: One of the most important things needed with a spa, new or current, is a proper place to install it so you do not have future issues. The Spa Guys are skilled in creating concrete and pea gravel pads and also know how to build decking to support the spa at your new home or rental.
Do any of our services interest you? Email us at Spaguyflagstaff@gmail.com
Check Out Our Decks and Pads!